Limited Liability Company (LLC) Account Checklist

We appreciate the opportunity to assist with your banking and financial needs. To help make your account opening process quick and seamless, please gather these required documents. We welcome your questions by telephone, email, online chat or at any of our ten locations.

Business Information

Employer identification number (EIN) or if applied for, copy of SS-4

Proof of official filing with the state – Certification of Organization or Certificate of Good Standing

Operating Agreement

Business address and phone number

Articles of Organization

Completed and executed LLC Authorization Resolution – provided by bank

Completed Certification of Beneficial Owners for Legal Entity Clients

Personal identification for each individual identified as a 25% or more beneficial owner and one person with significant responsibility to control, manage or direct the legal entity, as listed on the Certification of Beneficial Owners.

Full legal name

Government-issued ID – required; photocopy acceptable
-U.S. Citizens: driver’s license, state-issued ID card, or passport
-Non-U.S. Citizens: passport

Residential address

Social Security number

Date of birth

Quick access links to proof of official filing with state:


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