Travel Tips


5 Tips for Successful Packing

Pack an extra tote or duffel bag for packing items you accumulate along the way.

Packing loosely wastes precious space and causes clothes to wrinkle. If your suitcase isn’t full, fill spaces with bubble wrap; on the way home, use it to wrap delicate souvenirs.

Pack sealable plastic bags for storing used socks and underwear, as well as toiletries that could leak in your luggage.

Tuck dryer sheets into your suitcases to keep everything smelling fresh.

Place plastic dry cleaners’ bag between clothes – they reduce wrinkling better than tissue paper, which flattens out.

Money Makes the World Go Around

Visit which provides current exchange rates for currencies around the world.

When reserving a hotel room or rental vehicle, consider using a credit card instead of a debit card. Reservations may temporarily restrict funds on the card which will impact your checking account balance if a debit card is used. If desired, check with the company to see if you can use a different card for the reservation than you will use to pay with.

Before You Go…Don’t Forget!

Notify the bank that you will be traveling to ensure your credit card and debit card work properly while you’re away.

Ask a friend or neighbor to pick up your mail while you’re away or contact the post office to have it held until you return.

Leave a copy of your passport and hotel contact numbers with someone at home.

After you arrive at the airport…

Take your quart-size plastic zip-top bag out of your carry-on and place separately in bin.

Declare all permitted liquid exceptions to the security Officer in front of the checkpoint.

Take your laptop and video cameras with cassettes out of their cases for screening.

Remove your outer coat, suit coat, jacket or blazer to place in bin for Xray.

Place the following items in your carry-on before entering the screening checkpoint: cell phones and personal data assistants, keys, loose change, jewelry and large metal items.


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