Protect Against Scams


Caller ID Scams

SPOOFING – Spoofing is the act of disguising a communication from an unknown source as being from a known, trusted source, like your bank.

DON’T BE FOOLED BY FAKE CALLER ID’s! Fraudsters can make their call or text look like it is coming from NVB. We will never call or text to request information such as account, debit card, PIN/three digit security numbers or log-in credentials. Please be careful about responding to such requests, even if Caller ID indicates the call or text is from NVB. If in doubt, don’t respond. Instead, call one of our published telephone numbers.

Text Scams

Watch for text messages that appear to be from a bank or other financial institution. You do not have to be a customer for the scam to work. The text will ask you to verify your account by either following a link or calling a phone number. The intent is for you to provide some type of personal information that can be stolen, such as a debit/ATM card PIN. For more information, visit the Better Business Bureau’s Scam Stopper website, where you will learn things like:
• Ignore instructions to text “STOP” or “NO” which confirms that your number is valid and active
• Forward the text to your cellphone carrier to block future texts from that number
• Call the bank or financial institution to verify the text is realCall the bank or financial institution to verify the text is real

Wire Scams

Wire scams can include a variety of ploys to entice you to send money through a wire (this is the same as sending actual cash to a person). Wiring money is like giving cash, once it’s sent you cannot get it back. To protect yourself from falling prey to a wire scam, NEVER wire money to someone you do not know, even if they claim the money is for a friend or relative that you do know. Learn more from the Federal Trade Commission by visiting

Scams may lead you to believe a variety of stories:

• You won the lottery but have to pay taxes first
• You inherited money but have to pay fees to receive the money
• A family member who is in trouble and needs you to send money
• You receive a check for the wrong amount and need to send the extra funds back

If you believe you have fallen prey to a wire scam

• Call the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at
• Notify the FTC online at

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